
Hypersonics leadership from academia and Lockheed Martin engage to train additional workforce (November 2019)

The Hypersonics Force Multiplier:
University Engagement

In an ambitious effort to accelerate technical innovation in hypersonics across the country, the DoD is supporting an integrated model that combines government, industry and university resources in a coordinated enterprise never seen before. In light of these developments to advance the nation’s capabilities, Lockheed Martin is leveraging its close university relationships as a valuable force multiplier to meet the 21stcentury warfare demands of the customer.

Lockheed Martin is actively collaborating with academia in the area of hypersonics, including a close relationship with Texas A&M that is leading the establishment of the University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH) under the direction of the Pentagon’s Joint Hypersonics Transition Office (JHTO).The Consortium aims to address the country’s hypersonics workforce development needs and will be managed by the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) and Dr. Rodney Bowersox, associate dean for research at the Texas A&M University College of Engineering. According to Bowersox, “Lockheed Martin has really been at the forefront of not only hypersonics in terms of national defense, but also the initiative it has taken engaging with academia.”

According to Lockheed Martin’s hypersonic program manager, Dr. Barry Bauer, “The vision is an inclusive ecosystem of universities collaborating with industry to bring to bear the best and the brightest, accelerating the rate of technical innovation and delivering the workforce necessary to advance modern hypersonic flight systems.”

University Engagement
